Izanel Morales is a 35-year-old writer from Panama City. She has a degree in Administration from the Instituto de Estudios Superiores de Administración.
From a very young age, Izanel was interested in finance. She has always been very organized and controlled with her own personal finances. When she entered business school, she discovered that she could work helping others to manage their personal finances.
After graduating, Izanel worked for several companies in the financial area, but realized that she missed something more creative and personal in her work. It was then that he decided to venture into the world of writing.
Currently, Izanel works as a writer of articles for a financial website called "tu-dinero.org". She is responsible for creating quality content to help people manage their personal finances effectively.
Her articles are well researched and written in clear and easy to understand language. She includes practical examples and useful tips to help readers apply the information to their own financial lives.
Izanel is very careful not to use technical jargon or complex financial terms in her articles. She believes that using simple, understandable language is the best way to help people understand and handle their finances.
Besides writing, Izanel is also responsible for planning and organizing content for the site. She works closely with the editing team to ensure that all articles are up to date and relevant to readers.
Izanel is a dedicated person with a passion for finance. Her work as a writer has helped many people to handle their personal finances in a more conscious and healthy way. She believes that her tips and advice can help people make more informed and smarter financial decisions.
In addition, Izanel has a hobby that is riding her bicycle every morning before she starts her real day. She believes that this helps her clear her mind and focus better on work throughout the day.