Security Terms

Terms and conditions

About us is a website (together referred to in these Terms and Conditions as a “platform”) and host advertiser which, amongst other things, compares the price of financial products and other services. also provides webspace for third parties to compare prices for other related financial products and services. is a trading name of Tu-Dinero Limited. Registered In England No. 10636682. Registered Office: Pegasus House, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6YS. Compare the Market Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority for insurance distribution (Firm Reference Number: 778488). Energy and Digital products are not regulated by the FCA.

We provide a service which enables you to compare a number of prices for products and services, as well as product information from the providers on our panel. This will enable you make an informed decision before proceeding to your chosen provider for further information. also provides web-space for third parties to compare prices for other related financial products and services.

We do not provide financial or other advice in relation to the products or services compared, nor do we provide a recommendation or endorsement.

When it comes to providers we don't choose favourites. We offer impartial and independent comparison.


We set out below the important points for you to note when using our platform. These summary points are not part of our Terms and Conditions and are for reference only. Before using our platform, we recommend that you read all of our Terms and Conditions to ensure that you are happy with them. We suggest that you print a copy of these Terms and Conditions and keep them in a safe place for future reference.

You must only use the '' platform for your personal use or, if a business user, for legitimate business price comparison purposes.

You must provide accurate and complete information when using this platform so that we can provide appropriate price comparison quotes. If you input incomplete or incorrect information whilst using this platform and enter into a policy of insurance with a provider on the basis of that information, your insurance policy may be void, not fully meet your insurance needs and/or not pay out on any claims.

'' must only be used by UK residents. Nothing in these Terms and Conditions will constitute an offer or promotion for services or products outside of the United Kingdom.

All information data and copyright material contained on this platform must not be reproduced or used without our consent.

We provide a price comparison service and where you propose to enter into a separate agreement or policy with a product provider or service provider, you should check their terms and conditions to ensure that you are comfortable with them.

These Terms and Conditions set out what you should do if you have a complaint against us or a product provider or service provider.

1. General

1.1 These Terms and Conditions apply to your use of this platform.

1.2 By using this platform you agree to these Terms and Conditions. If you do not wish to be bound by these Terms and Conditions you should not use this platform.

1.3 We may change these Terms and Conditions from time to time. We will give you notice of any changes by posting those changes on this platform. We will not vary any terms and conditions which you previously agreed whilst using this platform. However, any amended Terms and Conditions will apply to your use of this platform from the date they are posted and if you do not agree with the amended Terms and Conditions, you are entitled to stop using this platform at that time.

1.4 If you are using our mobile app, there may also be app store terms that apply to your use of the app. You should make sure that you are aware of and comply with those terms. If there is any conflict between the app store terms and these Terms and Conditions, the app store terms will prevail.

2. Definitions

2.1 "you" and "your" means the person who proposes to use or is using this platform.  

2.2 "we" "us" and "our" means is a trading name of Tu-Dinero of Pegasus House, Bakewell Road, Orton Southgate, Peterborough, PE2 6YS and agents, and any other person or business to whom we may legally transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions. You are entitled to stop using this platform if we transfer our rights under these Terms and Conditions to a third party. Compare The Market Limited is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and is on the Financial Services Register under the registration number 778488.

2.3 "platform" means either the site on the world wide web located at or the “Tu-Dinero” mobile application or any other mobile application that we provide. The meaning of “platform” in these terms will depend on whether you are using our website or our app.

2.4 "product or service provider" means the manufacturer, supplier, distributor or provider of any service or product advertised on this platform or made available via this platform.

2.5 "quote" means a price provided by a product or service provider for comparison with other quotes on the basis of the information you have provided. In providing you with a quote we are not able to guarantee the availability of the product, the service or the price set out as you will need to deal with the product or service provider direct to make a purchase.

2.6 “Your documents” means the online document repository service provided by us on this platform.

3. Use of this platform

3.1 By using this platform you agree that:

3.1.1 You will not do anything that affects the integrity or security of this platform or causes or may cause harm, damage or unreasonable inconvenience to other users of this platform or us; and

3.1.2 You will not gather, extract, download, reproduce and/or display or advertise on any other platform, other online or off-line service or otherwise, any material on or from this platform, including but not limited to information relating to insurance prices, whether that information has been gained by the use of spiders, data mining, trawling or other 'screen scraping' software or system used to extract data.

3.2 If you breach any of the clauses set out at 3.1 above, we may take such action as we deem appropriate, including denying you access to this platform, bringing legal proceedings against you and disclosing such information to appropriate legal and/or regulatory bodies.

4. Your documents

4.1 These terms apply specifically to the Your documents service made available to you via the platform.

4.2 Limited Beta Service

4.2.1 Note that Your documents is currently a BETA service and being tested, this means that Your documents is in development and is made available to the public for the purposes of obtaining feedback on the quality and usability of Your documents. As a result Your documents may contain errors, inaccuracies, failures, and loss or corruption of data or information may occur. As indicated elsewhere in these terms for the full service, we strongly recommend that you back up and return copies of all data and information and that you obtain and refer to original insurance documents obtained by you from your insurer before making any decisions about your insurance or about any claims.

4.2.2 You should not rely on the accuracy of the content provided by Your documents. We recommend that you retain, keep and refer to your original insurance policy documents from your insurers and always check them before making any decisions regarding your insurance or any claim. Any of the content in Your documents may be out of date at any given time, and we are under no obligation to update such content.

4.2.3 You must not misuse Your documents by knowingly introducing material which is malicious or technologically harmful or that is designed to interrupt, destroy or limit the functionality of any computer software, hardware or interfere with or disrupt Your documents. You must not attempt to gain unauthorised access to Your documents, the server on which Your documents is stored or any server, computer or database connected to the Your documents: By breaching this provision, you may commit a criminal offence under the Computer Misuse Act 1990. We will report any offence to the relevant law enforcement authorities and we will co-operate with those authorities by disclosing your identity to them

4.2.4 You are responsible for ensuring that the computer or other device you use to access Your documents is sufficiently protected against viruses, harmful material or unauthorised access. We will not be liable for any loss or damage caused by a distributed denial-of-service attack, viruses or other technologically harmful material that may infect your computer equipment, computer programs, data or other proprietary material due to your use of Your documents or to your downloading of any material posted on it, or on any website linked to it.

4.3 Using Your documents and the documents you upload

4.3.1 You must upload accurate and complete information as requested by us on the platform. If the information you upload is incomplete, inaccurate or unclear, it will impact the information displayed to you and we may be unable to provide Your documents to you, or the insurance policy documents and other information we make available to you may be incorrect. It is your responsibility to ensure that your information is accurate and complete and we will have no liability in that regard.

4.3.2 The information you provide to us or post to Your documents is yours. We do not own this information but you give us a right to use your information to enable us to provide Your documents to you. The data you provide will also be used for analysis purposes to help improve Your documents and other products and services offered by, in accordance with our Privacy and Cookies Policy.  

4.3.3 We do not guarantee to hold copies of the information you provide to us or the insurance policy documents and other information we provide to you. We reserve the right to reject or delete any information or documentation you provide, at our sole discretion.

4.4 Liability and Your documents

4.4.1 We provide no assurance that the use by you of information available in Your documents will not infringe third party rights (including intellectual property rights), or that any information will accurate or error free and we will have no liability in this regard.

4.4.2 The material on Your documents is provided “as is”, without any conditions, warranties or other terms of any kind. Accordingly, to the maximum extent permitted by law, we provide you with Your documents on the basis that we exclude all representations, warranties, conditions and other terms (including, without limitation, the conditions implied by law of satisfactory quality, fitness for purpose and the use of reasonable care and skill) which, but for this legal disclaimer, might have effect in relation to Your documents.

4.5 General terms that apply to Your documents

4.5.1 We reserve the right at any time to terminate or restrict or suspend access to Your documents without giving you any prior notice and we will not be liable to you if for any reason Your documents is withdrawn, cancelled or unavailable at any time or for any period.

4.5.2 We may make changes to the functionality of Your documents, the material on Your documents at any time without notice.

4.5.3 Unless specifically stated that particular materials can be used more widely, you are only permitted to view the materials contained on Your documents for your own personal non-commercial use. The grant of this limited licence is conditional upon your agreement to and compliance with these Terms of Use. Any other use of any of the materials on Your documents including distributing or making available to third parties (in original or modified form) without our prior written permission is strictly prohibited.

4.5.4 If you copy or download or publish or make available any content Your documents in breach of the terms and conditions, your right to use Your documents and content on Your documents will cease immediately and you must, at our option, return, delete, take down or destroy any copies of the content from Your documents.

5. UK residents only

5.1 This platform is directed only at UK residents and nothing within it or these Terms and Conditions constitutes an offer or promotion of services or products to persons outside the United Kingdom. We do not make any warranty or representation that the services we offer are available or appropriate for use by those outside the UK. Should you choose to use the services we provide outside the UK, you do so at your own risk and it is your responsibility to ensure that you are compliant with any applicable local laws.

6. Your obligations

6.1 You must only use the '' platform for your personal use or, if a business user, for legitimate business price comparison purposes.

6.2 It is your responsibility to ensure that all information you supply to us or enter onto this platform is complete and accurate, so please double-check your information before submitting it.

6.3 You will need to answer a number of questions in order to compare or obtain a quote for any product or service. These questions are designed to ensure that we and all relevant product or service providers have all of the information necessary to provide you with accurate, appropriate and timely information relating to the products and/or services in which you are interested. Where possible, we will help you complete quotes quickly by prepopulating some of our on-line forms with information we already know about you. Where we do this you must check that the information in the form is accurate and up to date.

6.4 In the case of all insurances the level of cover and the amount you pay is determined by the answers you provide to those questions and therefore you should answer all questions truthfully and fully and to the best of your knowledge and belief. In addition, if you are a business user you should make specific enquiries of partners, directors and senior management involved in the business and its subsidiaries and you must tell the insurer of anything that may be relevant or important for the insurer to know so that they can make a decision on whether to offer cover and the terms to be applied. In all cases, if you fail to provide complete and accurate information:

6.4.1 any insurance product purchased may be void (meaning you will not be able to make a claim);

6.4.2 you may have to pay additional premiums under your policy to reflect any increased insurance risk as a result; and/or

6.4.3 You may be liable for damage or loss to a third party if you cause an accident. This will depend on the terms and conditions you have agreed with your product or service provider.

6.5 If you are purchasing or using a product or service provider's website directly you should also read their terms and conditions. The product or service provider's terms and conditions will cover any transaction or agreement between you and the product or service provider, whereas these Terms and Conditions agreed with us relate only to your use of this platform.

7. Our service

7.1 We provide a service which enables you to compare a number of prices for products and services and make a decision based on those comparisons. There is no charge for this service.

7.2 We do not provide financial, investment or other advice in relation to the product or service compared, nor do we provide a recommendation or endorsement of product or service providers.

7.3 The information you give us is used by the product or service provider to formulate their quote. Therefore, it is important that you double-check all information to ensure that it is complete and accurate. We seek to ensure that we accurately pass on the information you have provided to the product or service provider for the purpose of providing a price comparison.

7.4 These Terms and Conditions and our correspondence with you will be communicated in the English language.

8. Validity of quote

8.1 We do not control the price, length of offers, or special conditions relating to price comparison quotes. These are set by product or service providers. If you obtain a quote and would like to see how long it is valid for or any special conditions relating to it, please click through the links contained on our platform to the product provider or service provider's website. Product and service providers' prices, rates and offer times are updated and amended on a regular basis so our price comparisons are subject to change.

8.2 In order to purchase any of the products or services described on our platform you must contact the product or service provider. When a price is shown on this platform you will also find a direct link to the product or service provider's website. For some products or services you may need to or choose to complete your transaction over the telephone. The product and contact details of the product or service provider are listed on their website(s).

9. Delivery of quotes

9.1 You should receive the results of our price comparison technology online. However, we rely on the availability of third party sites and general performance of the worldwide web. At certain times some or all online quotes may not be available to you due to problems with third party websites or the worldwide web. Wherever possible, we will try and notify you of this and email you to let you know when your quotes are ready.

9.2 Whilst we strive to provide as comprehensive and easy to use a service as possible, the requirements for your quote may not be met if such requirements are unusual, "non standard" or "high risk". If this is the case you should contact a provider directly to discuss your requirements.

9.3 Each product and service provider will have a different approach to the provision of their quotes and may not make quotes available for all of their products. Where you have expressed an interest in a product restricted by a product or service provider, we or the provider may contact you to assist further (provided that we or the provider continue to treat your data as confidential and comply with data protection legislation).

9.4 All prices quoted are inclusive of Insurance Premium Tax (IPT) where applicable. This is a levy on insurance premiums set by the UK Government. The amount charged by insurers could change if IPT rates are amended by the Government at short notice.

10. Responsibility for content

10.1 We are responsible for ensuring that we accurately reflect product or service quotes via our price comparison technology. We are also responsible for statements of fact made to you by us and protecting your data in accordance with data protection legislation.

10.2 We will use our best endeavours to provide you with a quality service and virus free platform. However, we are not responsible for computer viruses or other computer related problems you suffer as a result of using this platform, which are beyond our reasonable control. We recommend that you use your own appropriate virus checking software.

10.3 We are not responsible for any commentary, opinions, ratings or other postings on this platform by third parties.

10.4 Product or service providers and third party websites are responsible for failings or errors on their websites and may have a separate duty of care to you.

10.5 You may be entitled to rights separate to these Terms and Conditions under English consumer law or other legislation.

10.6 We do not prevent or exclude our responsibility to you for death or personal injury resulting from our negligence.

11. CTM Free Credit Report Service

11.1 The CTM Free Credit Report Service allows you to view your credit information which is held by a credit reference agency and to receive information and tips from CTM to help you look after your finances. This includes, for example, alerts when there is something on your report you should look at (such as if your credit score drops or a new credit agreement is added) and suggestions for products that may be more suitable for your needs. CTM works with Experian to provide this service.

11.2 Use of this service is subject to you completing Experian’s verification process and answering Experian’s required security questions. The data you provide during this verification process is assessed by Experian. CTM does not retain this information and the decision as to whether you have successfully completed the verification process is down to Experian’s sole discretion. CTM accepts no liability or responsibility in the event that you are unable to access the CTM Free Credit Report due to a failure to pass Experian’s verification process. If you have difficulty completing the verification process, you can refer back to your bank statements and utility bills to help.

11.3 Each individual wishing to sign up to the CTM Free Credit Report must create their own account in order to register for a Free Credit Report. You must not attempt to set up a Free Credit Report for another person (such as a friend or family member) within your own account, even if that friend or family member has been added to your main account. We reserve the right to refuse to register or to delete any Free Credit Report accounts which are incorrectly set up.

11.4 When you sign up for the service, we will request credit information from Experian and will display this to you in the App. We will request and display up to 6 years’ worth of credit information, or less than this if Experian holds less information than this or if your credit history is less than 6 years old. The credit information will be refreshed every 30 days and we will contact you (by email or by way of a push notification, if you have enabled push notifications on your device) to let you know when your refreshed credit information is available.

11.5 The information we receive will include details of accounts you hold with credit providers and financial institutions such as your current balance, how long you have held the account and your payment history. Publicly available information such as information from the electoral roll and county court judgments will also be included. Your data will be used in accordance with our Privacy Policy which is available here. As the data is provided from a credit reference agency, we are not responsible for the accuracy of the credit information and are unable to amend your credit information. We are also unable to amend any information in your credit report and Experian may not be able to do so for fraud prevention purposes (for example, Experian is not able to amend your date of birth). If any of your details change, such as your name or address, you will need to update this both in your main CTM account and in your Free Credit Report account to ensure that both we and Experian update our records. If you notice anything in your credit information that isn’t correct you can raise a dispute in the app, by clicking the “raise a query” text at the bottom of the record detail page.

11.6 The credit data available to you will include a credit score. This score is created by Experian and is an indication of how your finances are looking and how they may look to lenders. However your score is no guarantee of whether a lender will accept you and each lender will have their own lending criteria. We may provide you with tips from time to time on how you can improve your score although we can’t guarantee that any tips will improve your score as the score takes into account many different factors. 

11.7 As part of the App, from time to time you’ll see recommendations for products or services that you wish to consider. Where we provide you with a recommendation that these may be suitable for your needs, we have based this on the data we hold about you but we don’t guarantee that the product or service is the best option for you or that you are guaranteed to be accepted by that product or service provider.

11.8 We cannot guarantee that details of your credit information will always be available on the platform and there may be times when we are unable to show your credit information or obtain new data from Experian.

11.9 You can decide to stop using the CTM Free Credit Report Service at any time by deleting the app or your CTM Free Credit Report account, adjusting your settings in your CTM MyAccount or by contacting us in which case we will securely delete any credit information. All other data will be retained in accordance with our privacy policy.

12. Platform Security

12.1 You must not install or use the platform on a jail-broken or rooted device.

12.2 From time to time we may update the platform. You should always use the latest version of the platform to help ensure your account remains secure.

12.3 We may from time to time need to prevent you from using the platform or accessing your account via the platform if you are not using the latest version of the platform.

12.4 You must not share your password or PIN (if applicable) with any third party.

13. Intellectual property

13.1 All information, data and copyright material contained on this platform, including any trade marks (whether officially registered or unregistered), trade names, brands, logos and devices belong to us or to people whom we have given ownership or permission to use such information data and/or copyright material. You must not use such information or copyright material unless you have written permission from us or the owner to do so.

13.2 You may download or copy the content and other downloadable items displayed on this platform for personal non business use only, (i.e. to assist with a purchasing decision), provided that you are not otherwise breaching these Terms and Conditions.

13.3 Apple, the Apple logo and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc., registered in the U.S. and other countries. App store is a service mark of Apple Inc.

14. Privacy policy

14.1 We will comply with all applicable data protection legislation from time to time in force in respect of the personal data we collect from you and will observe the terms of our Privacy Policy. 

14.3 If you decide to purchase or make further queries about a product or service through this platform you will be directed to the product or service provider's website and the information you have provided may be passed to such providers to allow them to deal with your request. Those product or service providers will be subject to their own terms and conditions and each product or service provider may have a different privacy policy from ours.  

15. Third party websites

15.1 This platform contains links to websites operated by third parties. Some of those websites will carry our branding and are therefore only accessible by our customers. The operation and content of those websites are determined by those third parties and will be governed by separate terms and conditions. We do not accept responsibility or liability for the content of any third party website, as this is outside of our control.

15.2 Links are provided for convenience only and inclusion of any links should not be taken to imply endorsement in any way of the site to which it links. Examples of price comparison services operated by third parties are 'compare mortgages' and 'compare energy prices'.

15.3 You may wish to take the following steps when purchasing a product or service from a third party website:

15.3.1 Read and ensure that you understand the terms and conditions of their website and terms and conditions of any product or service you might be agreeing with them;

15.3.2 Clarify and/or check your understanding of relevant terms and conditions by seeking independent advice, for example if the proposed transaction is of significant financial value to you or your insurance criteria is particularly unique or high risk; and/or

16.3.3 We regularly check that all our partners are regulated, however, if you wish to check the insurance provider you are dealing with is regulated (for example, by the Financial Conduct Authority, or Prudential Regulation Authority, if applicable), you can do this by checking the Financial Services Register on the Financial Conduct Authority's website.

16. Termination

16.1 We may issue a warning, temporarily suspend, permanently suspend or terminate your right to use this platform if you:

16.1.1 Substantially breach any of these Terms and conditions;

16.1.2 Infringe or violate or attempt to infringe or violate any rights of any other user(s) of this platform and/or third parties in connection with this platform; or

16.1.3 If you are using this platform to commit or attempt to commit a criminal offence.

17. Jurisdiction and Enforceability

17.1 If any provision of these Terms and Conditions are held by a competent authority to be invalid or unenforceable, the remaining provisions of these Terms and Conditions will not be affected and will remain valid.

17.2 In the event of a dispute in connection with or arising out of these Terms and Conditions, English law will apply.

17.3 These Terms and Conditions will only apply as between us and you. Unless as otherwise stated in these Terms and Conditions no other person may benefit or rely upon these Terms and Conditions.

18. Complaints procedure

Service standards

We aim to provide a high standard of service to all our customers. Unfortunately, occasionally things do go wrong. When this happens, we make every effort to settle complaints quickly and fairly.

Complaints about Products and Services purchased through our web site

If your complaint is about a product or service that you have purchased via this platform, then you can complain directly to the relevant product or service provider responsible for supplying the product or service. We cannot answer complaints on behalf of a product or service provider or accept responsibility for any such complaints. We recommend that you visit the website of the product or service provider and follow their complaints procedure if you wish to make a complaint against them.

Complaints about the service provided by Compare the Market

If you have a complaint about our service, please contact us:

By email:

Please email us at [email protected]