Investment Principles No One Taught You in School

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Written By Maria Romina

In school education, many things are learned, but personal finance is rarely taught.

That is why many adults do not know how to save or invest their money correctly.

Regular saving is key

The first basic principle of saving and investing is regular savings. It is important to establish a savings habit and maintain it over time.

This means that you should save a set amount of money each month, regardless of what happens in your financial life.

By doing this, you will be building an emergency fund for yourself and you will also be creating a solid foundation for your future investments.

In addition, regular savings will help you avoid the temptation to spend more than you can afford.

The importance of setting clear and achievable goals

One of the most common mistakes people make when saving and investing is not having clear and achievable goals.

Many save without knowing exactly what for, which makes decision making difficult and can lead to unnecessary expenses.

It is important to set specific and measurable goals, such as saving for a trip, a house or children's education.

In addition, these goals should be achievable and realistic, taking into account current income and expenses.

Invest in yourself first

Before investing your money in anything, it is important to invest in yourself.

This means improving your skills and knowledge through education and training.

Learn about personal finance, read books on investing, and attend related seminars and conferences.

It is also important to take care of your physical and mental health, as this will allow you to be better able to work and make decisions.

Investing in yourself will not only help you make better financial decisions, but will also allow you to perform better at work and earn more income in the long run.

Diversify your investment portfolio

One of the most common mistakes that novice investors make is to put all their eggs in the same basket.

That is, investing all their money in one stock or one market sector.

Diversification is key to minimizing risk and maximizing long-term returns.

By investing in a variety of assets, such as stocks, bonds, mutual funds and real estate, you reduce your exposure to any one negative event that may affect a single asset or sector.

It is important to remember that diversification does not guarantee gains or protection against loss, but it can help balance risk and reward in an investment portfolio.

In addition, it is important to periodically review your portfolio and adjust it as needed to ensure that it remains diversified and balanced.

Learn how to manage your emotions in the financial marketplace

The financial market is a place where emotions can play an important role in your investment decisions.

Euphoria and fear are two emotions that can lead you to make impulsive and unreasonable decisions.

It is important to learn to control your emotions and make decisions based on information and analysis.

Do not get carried away by the emotion of the moment or by sensationalist news that can affect the market.

Choose investments that fit your risk profile

It is important that before making any investment, you are clear about your risk profile.

This means knowing what level of risk you are willing to take and how long you are willing to wait to make a profit.

For example, stocks are considered a high-risk investment, while bonds are more conservative.

If you are a young person and have a long-term investment horizon, you may be willing to take on more risk in search of higher returns.

On the other hand, if you are close to retirement, you probably prefer safer investments.

The important thing is to choose investments that fit your risk profile and financial goals.

Keep a long-term perspective

One of the keys to investment success is to have a long-term perspective.

It's easy to get carried away with market fluctuations and day-to-day news, but it's important to remember that investing is a game of patience and perseverance.

Instead of trying to predict the next market move, it's better to focus on solid, long-term investments.

This means investing in companies with a proven track record of success, diversifying your portfolio and not being swayed by emotions.

Keeping a long-term perspective also means being realistic about your financial goals.

Don't expect to get rich overnight, but if you invest consistently and with discipline, you can build a solid foundation for your financial future.


